
Aug 4, 2011

Super Junior - Mr. Simple

Ini first time gue nge posting about Korean, yup!! berhubung lagi pada rame ngomongin album ke-5 nya Super Junior yang ber-title "Mr. Simple"
buat temen-temen (chingudeul)  yg mau liat track list nya , let's check em out :D

Super Junior - Mr Simple 5집 [Random Cover]
Released : 3 Agustus 2011
Rp. 220.000

"Mr. Simple" Track List

1. Mr Simple
2. Opera
3. Be My Girl
4. Walkin'
5. Storm
6. Good Friends
7. Feels Good
8. Memories
9. Sunflower
10. White Christmas
11. Y
12. Perfection ( Bonus track )

MV Super Junior - Mr.Simple

Well, Guys!! don't forget to support your artis by buying the original albums! :D
Kamza Hamnida


There said...
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I Putu Rusdi Umbara said...

super juniorr ciehh

Risty Sabbry said...

ahaahhaa.. kenapa cuma ini yang di comment kk usdiii?? :p