
Sep 13, 2011

I Miss You Daddy

I just find this video on YouTube, my tears run down when i listen to this video!
Let's watch it! listen! and feel it!

This video is tell about a daughter who lost her Dad in the 9/11 attacks in America 10 years ago.
Ga tau kenapa air mata gue langsung netes tiap dengerin setiap kata-kata yang dia ucapin disini, that was so touching!
just like she sings him a song as she grows!
Berawal dari dia ga tau apa-apa, sedikit mengerti, dan semakin mengerti tentang kepergian ayahnya yang hilang dalam serangan 11 September di Amerika 10 tahun yang lalu.

More info about 9/11 attacks!
English version  : September 11 attacks
Versi Indonesia : Serangan 11 September

For MP3 version, just click HERE!

There are some words that she said that really made me can't stop my tears:

I really miss you daddy...
Can you see me?
It's been ten years daddy
Can you see me I love you?
I try not to be sad...
But it hurts...
I hope you know you are my hero...
I love you so much!...
Can you see me??

I'm actually tearing up! , i can't imagine if this incident happened to me..
kata-kata yang gue tulis diatas gue tulis dengan acak, itu adalah kata-kata yang paling menyentuh menurut gue.
Coba deh dengerin, rekaman ini bakal bikin kalian menyadari betapa kalian mencintai ayah kalian, dan membuat teman-teman yang masih memiliki ayah disamping kalian untuk bersyukur karena masih bisa melewati hari-hari bersamanya.

By watching this video, i realize how much i love my daddy!
My daddy is my hero all the time!

My prayer goes out to the people in this incident :'')

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